Thursday, April 24, 2008

Kore wa nan des ka?

It's a hand towel, I said to myself as I studied the fabric again. It must be. A hand towel makes sense. A hand towel is a custom at Tokyo restaurants anyway. But at restaurants, the cloth is usually small. And moist. And sometimes warm. This towel is larger. It is also dry. And, this hand towel also has a large pocket.

It's probably not a hand towel.

I studied the non-towel again.

I put my hand in the pocket.

It's some sort of puppet, I said to myself. It must be. Japan is a very courteous, quiet and respectful country. So, a little hand puppet makes sense. That way, you can just quietly and courteously wave above the dressing room curtain for assistance.

I looked at the puppet.
The puppet looked at me.
It's probably not a puppet.

Usually, at this point in "Tokyo Moments", I would just give up and ask. I would simply perform my perfected "Sumimasen"-and-shrug-routine and have someone show me what to do. Or, I would just look hopelessly confused and someone would help me. Or, I would just ask as politely as I could, "Sumimasen. Kore wa nan des ka?" What is this?

But, not this time. This time I am in a dressing room. And, I've been here awhile now. And, now I'm a bit embarrassed. And, not to mention, I'm naked.

I do have my cell phone though. Maybe I could just call the store? "Konnichiwa, shujin wa salaryman des. (Good afternoon, my husband is a salaryman. [This is one of my best Japanese sentences]). I'm calling from Dressing Room ichi. What do I do with this white towel thing?"

C'mon, I said to myself. It's just a square piece of fabric. This should be easy to figure out.
I studied the non-towel, non-puppet again.

It's got to be a "gift", I said to myself. That makes sense. It's quite common for stores and restaurants here to offer a "thank you gift" for your business. In the last few months, I've received free samples of lamb, a complimentary scoop of cherry blossom gelato and a Snoopy tote. But, I haven't bought anything at this store yet. And, why would she give it to me as I was walking in to the dressing room?

I don't think it's a thank you gift.

I studied the non-towel, non-puppet, non-gift, white cloth with pocket one more time. OK. OK. Wait. Wait. I did it. I figured it out!

Hop. Hop. Hop. Fall. Ouch.
Hop. Hop. Hop. Fall. Ouch.
Hop. Hop. Hop. Fall. Ouch.

"So, did you have any luck shopping today?" my husband asked me later that afternoon. I told him about the mystery towel. "Oh," he said. "I was told that it's a make up hood. You're supposed to put it on your head before you try on new clothes. It will protect the new clothes from make up stains."

"Put it on your head?" I said. "Really? You're joking."
"You didn't put it over your head?" my husband asked me. "What did you do with it?"
"I put my feet in it," I said. "I figured it must be some kind of special dressing room slipper. No wonder I kept losing my balance."

Hop. Hop. Fall. Ouch.
Hop. Hop. Fall. Ouch.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

We love reading your blogs. Good job Karen.
We hope everyone is fine.
You have a wonderful way of describing events etc. Always providing us with a laugh as we imagine what you are going through.
Love Sandy and Uncle Joe